Tag: schedule
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What is “Setback” and how do I use it?

Programmable Thermostat TX9600TS
The setback feature can be used to save energy when you plan to leave your house for some period of time.  It is similar to the HOLD feature and TEMPORARY OVERRIDE in that it holds a fixed temperature, but it also provides you the ability to maintain this fixed temperature...
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How do I program the schedule on my thermostat?

Programmable Thermostat TX9600TS
There are four periods per each of the 7 days of the week, for both Heat mode and Cool mode.  They are: MORN, DAY, EVE, NITE.  ALL 4 periods MUST be set for the thermostat to function properly.  Select either HEAT or COOL with the Temperature mode switch.  These same...
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Can I disable a programmed schedule on my thermostat?

Programmable Thermostat TX9600TS
This feature allows the thermostat to be placed in either programmable or manual operating mode.  In programmable mode, the thermostat controls the room temperature automatically according to your pre-set program that follows your daily routine. In manual mode, the thermostat operates manually just like a mechanical or non-programmable model.  This method...
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Can I switch between 2 and 4 period programming?

Programmable Thermostat TX9600TS
To change the # of periods per day – 2 vs. 4: Take the front cover off the stat off the wall.  Look on the circuit board to find the dip switch table which tells you what the dip switches are for. The dip switches are the very small white...